The Orekit team is pleased to announce the release of Orekit version 10.3. This is a minor
version, including both new features and bug fixes. The main changes are:
- Fix of short period Jacobian calculation in DSST orbit determination
- Fix Kalman issues
- Fix CCSDS ADM issues
- Relativistic clock correction for most of measurements
- Piecewise model for empirical forces
- One-way GNSS Range and Phase measurements
- Support for Laser Ranging data (i.e. both CPF & CRD formats)
- Lense-Thirring and De Sitter relativistic effects
- Clock drift for RangeRate measurements
- Support for AGI LeapSecond.dat files
- New interfaces for attitude ephemeris files
- Knocke model for Earth’s albedo and infrared
- Possibility to use multiple handlers for one event detector
This version depends on Hipparchus 1.8
For complete release notes please see:
The maven artifacts are available in maven central.
The source and binaries can be retrieved from the forge releases page: