Why I can see GEO sats?

Hello, as I continue the development, I am now having issues with GEO satellites.

I know if the sat is already visible from my location, an event detector will not work.
For this case I took inspiration from another post (EventDetector: ElevationDetector for Geostationary satellite).

I was expecting this to solve the issue of a geo sat always visible from my location, but that was not the case. I have put locations right under the sat, and I still get no visibility (I would get a small negative number, that doesn’t change much, no matter where the location is). We are at a lost of why this could happen… Any insight?

Hi @jrivera

Could you share the code in order to see what happen?

Thank you

Thanks for the reply… My friend did a test and it is working…

No clue why it was not working on my machine!

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