What Java version do you use?

Hi folks,

Here it is. Simple question: what Java do you use in your project(s) using Orekit?
Of course, the idea behind this is to know exactly who would be impacted if we moved away from (1.)8, which is starting to seriously drag us down from a software development point of view.

  • N=8
  • 8<N<11
  • 11<=N<17
  • 17<=N<21
  • 21<=N
0 voters

Could somebody with admin rights here pin this please?


I use Java21

better performance and LTS

It’s worth to upgrade.

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I use 8 and 21, but voted for 8 given the purpose of the poll.

Note that Java 8 is supported through November 30, 2026. [1]

[1] OpenJDK Life Cycle and Support Policy - Red Hat Customer Portal

I normally use Java 21 when using Orekit Python (jpype flavour).

However MATLAB (even the latest R2024b release) has issues with JARs compiled in Java versions newer than 8, so I stick to Java 8 when using Java in Matlab.

I use the Python wrapper (the one from conda). As far as I can tell it uses Java 8 in the JVM. I don’t know if it can be changed