[VOTE] Releasing Orekit 12.1 from release candidate 1

This is a VOTE in order to release version 12.1 of the Orekit library.
Version 12.1 is a minor release.

Highlights in the 12.1 release are:

  • Major performance improvements in several Orekit features:
    • orbit propagation
    • orbit estimation
    • frame transformations
    • etc.
  • Implementation of specific AdaptableInterval for:
    • elevation detector
    • apside detector
  • GNSS:
    • Support for post-seismic deformation available in Sinex files
    • Splicing of Rinex clock files
    • Support for different GNSS clock modelling
    • New architecture for tropospheric models as well as new models (i.e., Askne-Nordius model, Hopfield model, and Chao mapping functions)
  • New event detector for:
    • beta angle
    • relative distance between two objects
  • Propagation:
    • support for Intelsat’s 11 elements propagation
    • a new solar radiation pressure model with cylindrical shadow model
  • Miscellaneous:
    • support for Walker constellations
    • support for Ant has been removed
    • Several bug fixes

The release candidate 1 can be found on the GitLab repository as
tag 12.1-RC1 in the release-12.1 branch:

The release notes can be read here:

Maven artifacts are available at

The votes will be tallied in 120 hours for now, on 2024-06-23T21:00:00Z
(this is UTC time).


+1. A solid release indeed

1 Like

Thank you Bryan for preparing the release !

Checked signatures, git tag, source release vs repository, rebuilt everything…
Everything is good.

+1 for the release, thanks Bryan!

+1 for the release too
Many thanks, Bryan!

Thank you for the release @bcazabonne :clap:

Edit: Checked build, tests and sonarqube. Everything is okay so +1 for the release !

My vote : +1 for the release

+1 for the release

+1 for the release

+1 for the release

+1 for the release.

+1 for the release

+1 for release. I have made first python wrappings and not encountered any unsolvable issues. It is quite some new material and refactorings in this release which is great, but also affect the python api a bit, mostly in a way that one now needs to explicit cast some things in the new version.

The vote PASSED with +1 from Romain, Anne Olivia, Luc, Maxime, Vincent, Pascal, Sebastien, Christophe, Madhu, Petrus, Yannick, and myself.

I’ll publish the artefacts tomorrow!