Starting a new branch for 13.X

Hi all,

I need to maintain a few changes that introduce incompatibilities and hence cannot be merged into the develop branch. Up to now, it was only for issue 1350, so I used a branch issue-1350 for that. Now, I will need the same for issue 1434.

Merging develop back into one feature branch from time to time was not a problem, but doing so for two branches and merging the two feature branches in sync too will be a nightmare. So I will start a develop-13 branch. Feel free to use it as well if you want to merge some incompatible changes there too.

When we will decide to stop the 12.X series (hopefully just after releasing 12.1), we could merge develop-13 back into develop.

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Hi all,

I do think that the best decision would be to go for version 13.0 after 12.1 (patches aside). We already have quite a few issues lined up in the milestone. Let’s break them APIs!


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I also hope that the program for this 13.0 will be a little more reasoned than that for 12.0, to allow users to stabilize their tools after the transition to 12.0. It would be a good idea not to impose 2 very ambitious major versions on them in quick succession :wink:

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We will try our best to remain reasonable.

I have started writing a new page in the generated maven site to help people upgrade (not committed yet, I’ll push it this evening). The goal is to first explain the versioning policy in a paragraph that will stay as is for a long time, and to add new paragraphs as versions appear, for example how to upgrade from 12.x to 13.0. We could add explanations as we develop, so we don’t forget and try to write this page just before release (well, at least let’s try to do this)


I have pushed the pages in branch develop-13.
See upgrading for the top level page and 12-to-13 for the page that will be devoted to 12.X to 13.0 upgrade.

The link between the top level page and the 12-to-13 page is in the table at the end of the top page, but of course the link works only on the generated site with html pages, not in the gitlab rendering of markdown pages, but you should get the idea.

Thank you @luc, that’s a good initiative!

I have pushed a bunch of commits on the develop-13 branch in order to remove almost all deprecated stuff.
I took care to add upgrade information, could you review what I wrote in the page?

The only deprecation I did not address was removal of TimeSpanDragForce and its corresponding test. It seems it was deprecated by @Serrof as part of issue 1419, but I am not really sure. Is this feature already managed by the regular drag force class?

Hi Luc,

The deprecation was discussed here. It looks like pretty much everything can be done via DragForce more or less directly. However to be sure, I would suggest keeping it on the repo for now. When we get closer to releasing 13.0 we can decide whether or not it can be get rid off entirely.
