Set Digital Elevation Model on Rugged Builder

Hello everyone, good morning! I’m having my first experience with Orekit and I already have a big challenge, which is to make a geolocation algorithm.

Well, when I looked at the tutorials and some posts here on the forum on this subject (Efficient way to load DEM tiles in Rugged Python) and (TileUpdater in Python), I decided not to start from scratch, but to take advantage of what had already been done.

I updated the OreKit library to the latest one in order to be able to import PythonTileUpdate. I also used the DEMTileUpdater class using SRTM.

When I try to initialize the RuggedBuilder, I get an error when defining the DEM, where I get the following error: NotImplementedError: ('instantiating java class', <class 'tu2.DEMTileUpdater'>). The error points exactly to the line of ruggedbuilder.setDigitalElevationModel(DEMTileUpdater(), nb_tiles), indicating that the error comes from the class.

I’ve noticed that other people have pointed out the same error type in different situations, but in their case it was due to a missing instance. Which I don’t think is the case with me.

Is there something I’m missing? Any variables or instances? In the DEMTileUpdater class, should I pass the coordinates? I understand that I’m not.

Thank you very much!, the class published by @yzokras

import srtm
import numpy as np
from org.orekit.rugged.raster import PythonTileUpdater

class DEMTileUpdater(PythonTileUpdater):
    def __init__(self):
        super(DEMTileUpdater, self).__init__()
        self.n_lat = 101  # Number of rows in tile 
        self.n_lon = 101  # Number of columns in tile
        self.tile_size_lat = float(np.deg2rad(1.0))  # Tile size in radians
        self.tile_size_lon = float(np.deg2rad(1.0))  # Tile size in radians
        self.delta_lat = self.tile_size_lat / self.n_lat  # row sample size in radians
        self.delta_lon = self.tile_size_lon / self.n_lon  # column sample size in radians
        self.elevation_data = srtm.get_data()  # srtm object to get srtm data
    def updateTile(self, latitude, longitude, tile):
        min_latitude = latitude - self.tile_size_lat / 2.0
        min_longitude = longitude - self.tile_size_lon / 2.0
        tile.setGeometry(min_latitude,  # minLatitude
                         min_longitude,  # minLongitude
                         self.delta_lat,  # latitudeStep
                         self.delta_lon,  # longitudeStep
                         self.n_lat,  # latitudeRows 
                         self.n_lon)  # longitudeColumns
        for i in range(0,self.n_lat):
            for j in range(0,self.n_lon):
                Get elevation from srtm reader
                elevation = self.elevation_data.get_elevation(np.rad2deg(min_latitude + i*self.delta_lat),
                                                              np.rad2deg(min_longitude + j*self.delta_lon))
                if elevation is None:
                    elevation = 0.0
                tile.setElevation(i, j, float(elevation))
  • My RuggedBuilder
from tu2 import DEMTileUpdater 

b_tiles = 2
algo_id = AlgorithmId.DUVENHAGE
nbPVPoints = 1
nbQPoints = 1
tStep = 0.1  
timeTolerance = 10.

# Initialize RuggedBuilder with adjusted parameters
ruggedbuilder = RuggedBuilder()

ruggedbuilder.setDigitalElevationModel(DEMTileUpdater(), nb_tiles)


ruggedbuilder.setEllipsoid(EllipsoidId.WGS84, BodyRotatingFrameId.ITRF)

ruggedbuilder.setTimeSpan(start_date, stop_date, tStep, timeTolerance)


rugged =

It turns that there is an issue with the classes in Python. It is going to be solved soon.