Scientific documents using Orekit

Hi all!

With the Orekit development team we would like to perform a survey of scientific publications (i.e., conference papers, peer review papers, master thesis, PHD thesis, etc.) using Orekit library.
The purpose of this survey is to highlight the diversity of Orekit’s uses.
At the end we would like to gather these publications in a dedicated page in the Orekit website.

Google scholar is a useful tool for these but Orekit community is a better one :slightly_smiling_face:

Therefore, if any of you wrote a scientific document using Orekit could you share the reference in comments?
Any use is welcomed (cross validation, library to build new algorithm, new software, etc.)

Author 1, Author 2, Paper title, Conference or journal name, year.

Also providing a link to access the document would be very useful.

Best regards,


Great idea Bryan !! :star_struck:

Hope we get many answers.
I pinned your message so that it stays on top of the list.

Nice idea!

Some from my side, most are indirectly related, where orekit has been used for some simulations but not the focus of the paper.

Dreischer, T., Thieme, B., Bacher, M., Buchheim, K., Hyvönen, P. “OPTEL-µ: A Compact System for Optical Downlinks from LEO Satellites” In. Proc. 12th International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps), AIAA, 2012,

Eilertsen, B., Hyvönen, P. “Ground station networks vs. GEO relay satellites for polar orbiting satellites data download” In. Proc. 12th International Conference on Space Operations, AIAA, Stockholm, 2012

Hyvönen, P., Eilertsen, B. “Ground vs. satellite relay based data download from low Earth orbit – a technical, financial and commercial comparison”, In Proc. 64th International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, China, 2013

Hyvönen, P., Baister, G., Vidmark, A.,. “Operations of optical ground networks for small satellites”, ESA Small Satellites, System & Services Symposium, 2016

Hemberg, A. “Automated booking and scheduling for CubeSats: Development of an automated Scheduling engine for satellite communication with emphasis on communication with CubeSats”, Thesis work, 2015,

Hyvönen, P., Vidmark, A., Francou, L., & Baister, G. “On-board terminal developments and operations of optical ground networks for small satellites”. SpaceOps Conference 2018.

Browne Mwakyanjala, M., Hyvönen, P., de Oliveira, E. J., & van de Beek, J. “Feasibility of using a software‐defined baseband for multiple space per aperture (MSPA) ground operations.” International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking*, 40(2), 133-147., 2022,


That’s a big list! Thank you Petrus!

That’s a great idea! Here are a few papers from my side at TU Berlin:

C. Jonglez, J. Bartholomäus, P. Werner, and E. Stoll, “Initial Tracking, Fast Identification in a Swarm and Combined SLR and GNSS Orbit Determination of the TUBIN Small Satellite,” Aerospace, vol. 9, no. 12, Art. no. 12, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.3390/aerospace9120793. Aerospace | Free Full-Text | Initial Tracking, Fast Identification in a Swarm and Combined SLR and GNSS Orbit Determination of the TUBIN Small Satellite

This one doesn’t use Orekit much, just a bit for planning Moon imaging experiments and for computing Moon-Spacecraft-Jupiter angles, but Orekit is mentioned and cited:

C. Jonglez, M. Barschke, J. Bartholomäus, and P. Werner, “ADCS performance assessment using payload camera: lessons learned on a small satellite mission and future applications,” in The 16th International Conference on Space Operations, 2021.


Udrea, B. (2019). Analysis of a Swarm Deployment for Very Low Earth Orbit Operations. 29th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Kaanapali, Maui, HI.

If it counts, I also a few reports on uncertainty propagation using Orekit’s Tayor Differential Algebra methods. They are not publicly releasable yet but I’ll eventually compile them in a paper.


Thank you @petrus.hyvonen, @yzokras and @bogdan.udrea !!

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Dear all,

I’ve updated the “Scientific Publications” page of the test website with the references provided by @petrus.hyvonen, @yzokras and @bogdan.udrea.
You can find the page here: Scientific publications related to Orekit

If everyone is ok with this (proper format for the references, no mistakes in the names or links, layout of the page etc.), I will merge them into the official website in a week or so.

@bogdan.udrea, I couldn’t find a link to the paper you mentioned:

So I linked your research gate profile instead. Could you tell me if it’s ok (and if it really is you that I linked and not another Bogdan Udrea :wink: )? I’ll gladly update the page if you have a link to the paper.

Oh and I didn’t answer this part from your last post:

There is a section called “Technical Notes” dedicated to unpublished reports that can still be useful to the community. For now, you’ll find there only a note by @Vincent on “Orbit and Covariance Interpolation/Blending with Orekit”.

Thanks again for the references. And to all, do not hesitate to send us your references, we’ll happily add them to the website!


@MaximeJ, thank you for the update. I am the Bogdan Udrea with that research gate profile you have linked but I have to update the association.

Unfortunately, AIAA and the American Astronautical Society have a funny way of not playing nice with each other’s publications. Here’s a link to the conference proceedings. Univelt, Inc: Volume 168 of the Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Series I am attaching the PDF of the paper (AAS 19-582) to this reply with the hope that it will be accessible for download.

For the report this is all I can share: Udrea, B., “Uncertainty Propagation for Space Vehicle Proximity Operations”, Jan 2022, NASA STTR Phase II Contract 80NSSC20C0022.

Swarm_deployment_vLEO_Udrea_AAS 19-582.pdf (1.9 MB)

Thanks for answering @bogdan.udrea! And thanks for sharing the paper!

We are not legally allowed to host your paper on the server of the official Orekit website (i.e. Publications) since it’s AAS property.
So I think we should wait until your research gate profile is updated and then provide a link to the paper in your profile.

I missed the message the first time, but here are a few from me:

[1] Evan Ward. Global sensitivity analysis of terrain effects in geolocation systems. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 51(3):2039–2046, 2015.

[2] Evan M Ward. Orekit at the U.S. Naval Research Lab. In Orekit Day, Toulouse, France, November 2017.

[3] Evan M. Ward. A sensitivity analysis of satellite navigation using landmarks. In 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference, pages 1–9, March 2021.

[4] Evan M. Ward and Greg Carbott. On directional measurement representation in orbit determination. In AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, September 2016.

[5] Evan M. Ward, John G. Warner, and Luc Maisonobe. Do open source tools rival heritage systems?: A comparison of tide models in ocean and orekit. In AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2014.

[6] John G. Warner, Gregory Carbott, Evan Ward, and Krysta Lemm. Comparing radius of convergence in solving the nonlinear least squares problem for precision orbit determination of geodetic satellites. In AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, page 5339, 2016.


Thanks Evan !!

You’re up on the test site.

Ref [5] was already in section “Scientific publications on Orekit”
I added ref [2] from the 1st Orekit day but it makes me wonder: shall we add all individual publications of the Orekit days in this page? Considering there’s already a section “Orekit days” at the beginning of the page?

I pinned it globally so (hopefully) no one misses it in the future.

Waouh, nice! Thanks Evan.


That’s a good point. I don’t think we need to repeat references from the Orekit Day section.

Ok, @evan.ward I’ll remove it then.

I forgot this one:

Paul J. Cefola, Rosario Lopez, Juan F. San-Juan, Bryan Cazabonne, Srinivas Setty, and David Vallado, Validation of GTDS and DSST Standalone Versions against Precise Orbit Ephemeris, AAS Paper 23-344, 2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Big Sky, MT, August 13-17, 2023.

Unfortunately, I can’t share a link to share due to AAS restrictions… I hope that one day I’ll be able to add a link for it!


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Your paper is added to the test site @bcazabonne (forgot to tell you this morning).

The section is now visible on Orekit official website: Scientific publications related to Orekit

Once again, do not hesitate to send us your references using Orekit, we’ll be happy to add them to the website!