Hi I am new to OREKIT and learning how to do the calculation correctly. My application is about making prediction of a known satellite using up-to-date TLE over a period of time.
I think I get most of the stuff accurately, except for the part to calculate the Ra Dec of the bird which is complicated. I am seeking an advice if there is a better/more efficient way to do it. Also I found my Ra Dec results are a bit off comparing to the referenced data on https://www.n2yo.com/ website.
I put the test result and code for reference. Any feedback would be really appreciated.
2024-01-04 19:06:28.373: Starting @UTC 2024-01-04T03:38:21.000Z
2024-01-04 19:06:28.400: Inertial Frame
2024-01-04 19:06:35.544: Earth Frame, time to load: 7144
2024-01-04 19:06:35.545: Earth Body Shape
2024-01-04 19:06:35.546: Ground Station
2024-01-04 19:06:35.550: Station Frame
2024-01-04 19:06:35.555: TLE Setup
2024-01-04 19:06:35.597: TLE Propagation
2024-01-04 19:06:35.597: TLE, time to load: 47
2024-01-04 19:06:35.597: Ref Orbit 2024-01-03T14:02:22.564896Z
2024-01-04 19:06:35.643: lat: 42.301535081271325 lon: 64.62980739846931 alt: 633.8707207112983 azi: 354.22590740439483 ele: -43.20642383798637 ra: 218.55983672907203 dec: 1.0085541200270927 @2024-01-04T03:38:21.000Z
2024-01-04 19:06:35.645: lat: 42.23994306030694 lon: 64.63212753393859 alt: 633.8583575165108 azi: 354.21836707589466 ele: -43.239736561193666 ra: 218.56710804737838 dec: 0.9749277580124084 @2024-01-04T03:38:22.000Z
2024-01-04 19:06:35.646: lat: 42.178349963844255 lon: 64.63443506107998 alt: 633.8460054357508 azi: 354.21083219693526 ele: -43.27304690317423 ra: 218.5743694801105 dec: 0.941303988479511 @2024-01-04T03:38:23.000Z
2024-01-04 19:06:35.647: TLE, time to calculate: 50
2024-01-04 19:06:35.647: Completed
N2YO Results
{"info":{"satname":"IRIDIUM 179","satid":56730,"transactionscount":2},"positions":[{"satlatitude":42.23989589,"satlongitude":64.63640979,"sataltitude":633.86,"azimuth":354.22,"elevation":-43.24,"ra":218.55996888,"dec":1.00631395,"timestamp":1704339501,"eclipsed":false},{"satlatitude":42.17830313,"satlongitude":64.6387172,"sataltitude":633.85,"azimuth":354.21,"elevation":-43.27,"ra":218.56723853,"dec":0.97268697,"timestamp":1704339502,"eclipsed":false}]}
Here is what I have in the code
long start, end;
// Initial date - 2024-01-04T03:38:21.000Z
AbsoluteDate initialDate = new AbsoluteDate(2024, 1, 4, 3, 38, 21, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
log("Starting @UTC " + initialDate.toString());
//AbsoluteDate initialDate = nowToAbsoluteDate();
AbsoluteDate finalDate = initialDate.shiftedBy(2.0);
// Inertial frame - Earth Mean Equator J2000
// https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit_docs/Tutorials/pdf/individual_docs/17_frames_and_coordinate_systems.pdf
Frame inertialFrame = FramesFactory.getEME2000();
log("Inertial Frame");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Earth frame - International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF)
FactoryManagedFrame earthFrame = FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("Earth Frame, time to load: %s", end-start);
// Earth - from ITRF
BodyShape earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(
log("Earth Body Shape");
// ground station
GeodeticPoint groundStation = new GeodeticPoint(
FastMath.toRadians(-123.18619086111), 0);
log("Ground Station");
// station frame
TopocentricFrame groundStationFrame = new TopocentricFrame(earth, groundStation, "Ground Station Topo Frame");
log("Station Frame");
// satellite frame
// Frame satelliteFrame = FramesFactory.getTEME();
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
TLE inputTle = new TLE(
//"1 56730U 23068W 23365.61045716 .00001544 00000-0 19991-3 0 9995",
//"2 56730 86.6779 46.9572 0002221 94.9932 265.1544 14.80201516 33441"
"1 56730U 23068W 24003.58498339 .00001299 00000-0 16768-3 0 9990",
"2 56730 86.6779 45.7229 0002244 95.2820 264.8658 14.80209222 33884"
log("TLE Setup");
// Retrieve the correct propagator that was used to generate the TLE (SGP4 or SDP4)
Propagator tlePropagator = TLEPropagator.selectExtrapolator(inputTle);
log("TLE Propagation");
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("TLE, time to load: %s", end-start);
// Initial reference Orbit for the builder
// Orbit referenceOrbit = tlePropagator.getInitialState().getOrbit();
log("Ref Orbit " + inputTle.getDate().toString());
AbsoluteDate desiredEpoch = initialDate;
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Generator generator = new Generator();
ObservableSatellite satellite = generator.addPropagator(tlePropagator);
AngularRaDecBuilder builder = new AngularRaDecBuilder(
new GroundStation(groundStationFrame),
new double[]{0., 0.},
new double[]{1., 1.}, satellite);
builder.init(desiredEpoch, desiredEpoch);
while (desiredEpoch.compareTo(finalDate) <= 0.0)
// Satellite state at a desired epoch
SpacecraftState satelliteState = tlePropagator.propagate(desiredEpoch);
TimeStampedPVCoordinates pv = satelliteState.getPVCoordinates(earthFrame);
Vector3D satPosition = pv.getPosition();
// Satellite position relative to Earth
GeodeticPoint point = earth.transform(satPosition, earthFrame, desiredEpoch);
double lat = FastMath.toDegrees(point.getLatitude());
double lon = FastMath.toDegrees(point.getLongitude());
double alt = point.getAltitude();
// Satellite position relative to the ground station
double azi = FastMath.toDegrees(groundStationFrame.getAzimuth(satPosition, earthFrame, desiredEpoch));
double ele = FastMath.toDegrees(groundStationFrame.getElevation(satPosition, earthFrame, desiredEpoch));
// Satellite Ra Dec calculation
double[] baseRaDec = builder.build(desiredEpoch, Collections.singletonMap(satellite, createFakeInterpolator(satelliteState))).getObservedValue();
final StaticTransform transform = inertialFrame.getStaticTransformTo(inertialFrame, desiredEpoch);
final Vector3D transformedLoS = transform.transformVector(new Vector3D(baseRaDec[0], baseRaDec[1]));
double[] rd = new double[] {
FastMath.toDegrees(MathUtils.normalizeAngle(transformedLoS.getAlpha(), FastMath.PI)),
double ras = rd[0];
double dec = rd[1];
log("lat: %s lon: %s alt: %s azi: %s ele: %s ra: %s dec: %s @%s",
alt / 1000,
desiredEpoch = desiredEpoch.shiftedBy(1.0);
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("TLE, time to calculate: %s", end-start);
public static OrekitStepInterpolator createFakeInterpolator(SpacecraftState spacecraftState) {
return new OrekitStepInterpolator() {
public OrekitStepInterpolator restrictStep(SpacecraftState newPreviousState, SpacecraftState newCurrentState) { return null; }
public boolean isPreviousStateInterpolated() { return false; }
public boolean isForward() { return true; }
public boolean isCurrentStateInterpolated() { return false; }
public SpacecraftState getPreviousState() { return spacecraftState; }
public SpacecraftState getInterpolatedState(AbsoluteDate date) { return spacecraftState; }
public SpacecraftState getCurrentState() { return spacecraftState; }