Running oreczml tutorials

Hey. I was trying to run one of the oreczml-tutorial files. I managed to build and run oreczml-core and I also managed to successfully hook up the tutorials to the compiled oreczml-core.jar library, because the code runs until the very end where it’s writing out the .czml file, but at that point I have an issue where the oreczml-core package can’t find the satellite.png image file that it uses to generate the images.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /home/baubin/Projects/Code/01-Orekit/oreczml/oreczml-tutorials/file:/home/baubin/.m2/repository/org/orekit/czml/1.0/czml-1.0.jar!/satellite.png
        at org.orekit.czml.object.primary.Satellite.writeCzmlBlock(
        at org.orekit.czml.file.CzmlFile.write(
        at org.orekit.czml.file.CzmlFile.write(
        at org.orekit.czml.fieldofviewtuto.YawCompensationExample.main(
Caused by: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /home/baubin/Projects/Code/01-Orekit/oreczml/oreczml-tutorials/file:/home/baubin/.m2/repository/org/orekit/czml/1.0/czml-1.0.jar!/satellite.png

Also, here is the pom.xml file with my modifications to include the cesiumlangaugewriter and czml (oreczml-core) libraries

<project xmlns:xsi="" xmlns=""


    <description>OreCzml core module</description>




Thanks in advance for your help.

Hello @baubin,

This is indeed an issue in the code. You can use any picture you want as a workaround but the tutorial shall indeed work as is. I’m opening an issue on the gitlab.

I have also noticed this problem in the pom and it has been fixed on the develop branch.

UPDATE: Issue opened here YawCompensationExample needs a Satellite.png to work (#59) · Issues · Orekit / OreCZML · GitLab


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@Vincent Thanks for the update. Handling coding environments isn’t my best skill so I tend to assume that if something new that I set up fails to run, it’s because I messed it up somehow.

Yup the library is still very new so there is room for improvements and issues are to be expected.

To anyone reading this and using OreCZML : Feel free to ask questions on the forum and to raise issues so that we can fix them !


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Hello @baubin , I will be working on this library this week end, trying to fix the issue, I let you know in the few days if the issue is fixed or not.

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The problem is now fixed in the develop branch, you can update your project from this branch.