Rugged applicative scope and future releases


I’m currently learning on Rugged applicative scope, trying to figure out how to integrate it into a larger coverage simulation application.

If I understand well, Rugged provides with precise instruments field of view projection on complex body surfaces allowing compensation of induced shadowing effects (among else).

Would you know how should I proceed if I was to implement the DEM rugged models with real partitioned Earth surface models ?
Up to date I’ve been working with discrete global grid system and ellispoid models to provide with coverage assessments. I’m basically assessing the coverage through the geometric overlapping of the FoV projected foot print and the discretized earth model.

If I wish to proceed the same way while integrating Rugged mappings I believe that some specific input terrain data should replace the aforemention models.

Similarly, I was wondering if future version releases would integrate coverage simulation features ?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Gueorguy Serafimov

Hi Gueorguy,

Pleased to see your are interested in Rugged for your application

what do you mean by :

do you refer by footprint or swath when you told about “coverage simuation features” ?


Hi Jonathan,

Regarding your first question:
In the tutorials, the DEM models implemented are manually generated from Rugged library. It is written that “we will not use real DM data”. As I’m trying to implement a global Earth coverage simulation model, I’m looking for understanding what type of data can be used for it. This data should be partitioned to allow numerical coverage assessment.

Regarding your second question:
The “coverage simulation features” would indeed include definition of the instrument footprint, definition of areas of interests and the coverage assessment mentioned above.

Thanks in advance for the support.
Best regards,

Hi Gueorguy,

Real data, i.e 2.D raster, like SRTM or Copernicus DEM can be used (using geoid data like EGM96) assuming it respects overlapping condition (Rugged –).

I have some piece of code, which use gdal for data loading if you want.


Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for your answer.
I’d be much interested to having a look at your script implementing gdal library.

Best regards,
Gueorguy Serafimov

Hi Jonathan,

Is it still possible for you to share the piece of code implementing gdal data ?
Thanks in advance for your time.

Best regards,

Hi Gueorguy,

I created a tutorial with the DEM SRTM (and the Geoid, as Rugged needs elevation above ellipsoid and SRTM is given above geoid) under the branch:

The tutorial is :
Check instructions on how to use this tutorial in the header of this file.

Important notice:
as this tutorial needs the external library GDAL, we cannot put it in a Rugged release as we choose Rugged not to be dependent of such libraries.


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