Hi everyone,
I am trying to calculate the close approach date and miss distance value for a given conjunction. Therefore, I am propagating the given close approach state to backward in time lets say 2 days and then re-calculating the close approaches with ExtremumApproachEventDetector. Yet, I am ending up a slightly different close approach which means that I cannot reach the initial state that I have provided. It seems like the propagator adding some error while propagating backward therefore changing the orbital state, then propagating from this perturbed state to the known close approach ending up a different time and miss distance value.
Expected Time of Closest Approach and Miss Distance is:
TCA = 2014-07-16T22:32:26.716, MISS DISTANCE = 91.455902 m
Calculated Time of Closest Approach and Miss Distance is:
TCA = 2014-07-16T22:32:26.71574653075333Z MISS DISTANCE: 90.9158464184037 m
In the below, one can find the example of this scenario:
String tcaSTR = "2014-07-16T22:32:26.716";
AbsoluteDate tca = new AbsoluteDate(tcaSTR, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
Vector3D pPrimary = new Vector3D(6703.392053e3, -1969.223265e3,3276.274276e3);
Vector3D vPrimary = new Vector3D( 3.52773277e3, 2.322656571e3, -5.815904333e3);
Vector3D pSecondary = new Vector3D(6703.301055e3,-1969.231944e3,3276.271432e3);
Vector3D vSecondary = new Vector3D(2.538967996e3,6.496491661e3,5.104787983e3);
TimeStampedPVCoordinates pvPrimary = new TimeStampedPVCoordinates(tca,pPrimary,vPrimary);
TimeStampedPVCoordinates pvSecondary = new TimeStampedPVCoordinates(tca,pSecondary,vSecondary);
CartesianOrbit oPrimary = new CartesianOrbit(pvPrimary, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), Constants.WGS84_EARTH_MU);
CartesianOrbit oSecondary = new CartesianOrbit(pvSecondary, FramesFactory.getEME2000(),Constants.WGS84_EARTH_MU);
SpacecraftState statePrimary = new SpacecraftState(oPrimary);
SpacecraftState stateSecondary = new SpacecraftState(oSecondary);
final NormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider = GravityFieldFactory.getNormalizedProvider(70,70);
HolmesFeatherstoneAttractionModel holmesFeatherstone = new HolmesFeatherstoneAttractionModel(FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010,false),provider);
double minStep = 1e-3;
double maxStep = 60;
double positionTolerance = 1.0;
OrbitType propagationType = OrbitType.CARTESIAN;
double[][] tolerances1 = NumericalPropagator.tolerances(positionTolerance, statePrimary.getOrbit(), propagationType);
double[][] tolerances2 = NumericalPropagator.tolerances(positionTolerance, stateSecondary.getOrbit(), propagationType);
DormandPrince853Integrator integratorPrimary = new DormandPrince853Integrator(minStep, maxStep, tolerances1[0], tolerances1[1]);
DormandPrince853Integrator integratorSecondary = new DormandPrince853Integrator(minStep, maxStep, tolerances2[0], tolerances2[1]);
NumericalPropagator propagatorPrimary = new NumericalPropagator(integratorPrimary);
NumericalPropagator propagatorSecondary = new NumericalPropagator(integratorSecondary);
EventHandler handler = new EventHandler() {
public Action eventOccurred(SpacecraftState s, EventDetector detector, boolean increasing) {
AbsoluteDate date = s.getDate();
Vector3D pos1 = s.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();
Vector3D pos2 = propagatorSecondary.getPVCoordinates(date,s.getFrame()).getPosition();
System.out.println("CLOSE APPROACH DATE: " + date + " MISS DISTANCE: " + pos1.subtract(pos2).getNorm());
return Action.CONTINUE;
ExtremumApproachDetector detector = new ExtremumApproachDetector(propagatorSecondary).withHandler(handler);
double nbDaysFromTCA = -2*Constants.JULIAN_DAY;
double nbDaysFromStart = -nbDaysFromTCA + oPrimary.getKeplerianPeriod();
AbsoluteDate startDate = tca.shiftedBy(nbDaysFromTCA);
AbsoluteDate endDate = startDate.shiftedBy(nbDaysFromStart);
If we propagate more in backward in time, the error is increasing. What is the cause of this phenomenon? Am I setting the numerical propagator tolerances wrongly? Is it possible to avoid this kind of event, because I am calculating the same operation with well-known applications such as STK, FreeFlyer and GMTA. The error is insignificant for those applications.