Preliminary program for next release (minor)

Dear community,

The development team is ready to bring you a new version.
The plan is to release Orekit 12.1.
You can find the Gitlab milestone here. It contains over 70 issues, which is a record for a minor one, such as new GNSS-related features and performance improvements.
The idea is add to that a few issues that could have made a patch (bug fixes): namely 1282, 1310, 1357 and 1365. The targeted date is mid May.

Please let us now if you have any questions or doubts about this program and schedule. Or you can just say you’re on board :wink:



I’m on board! :rocket:
Thank you Romain

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Releasing a new version is always a good new!

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Let’s go for 12.1 :checkered_flag::duck:

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Btw we’re passed the 1000 closes issues mark on gitlab, so kudos to all the contributors!