Orekit_jpype 12.1.1 released


The orekit_jpype “alternative python wrapper” is now available on pypi.

This orekit python wrapping is based on a different toolkit, Jpype, which works differently and has several advantages, some disadvantages but is more close to the java version.

For now both versions of the orekit python wrapper will be maintained, but for new projects and entry level calculations and projects I would recommend the orekit_jpype version. See readme for more details.

One advantage is that this version can be installed through pip:

pip install orekit-jpype

The required orekit-data can be downloaded as previously, or also installed through pip:

pip install git+https://gitlab.orekit.org/orekit/orekit-data.git

Very special thanks goes to @yzokras whos contributions has been vital of getting this out of the door, and now also an official maintainer. This is a great step in the right direction of this project :champagne: :champagne: :champagne:


Amazing! Took the plunge and it was surprisingly easy to port the code over - the only significant changes were removing the ugly _cast statements. Cracking stuff, thank you.


Hi @petrus.hyvonen ,

Thank you so much for this release. I like jpype wrapper more.

One more thing, if new version of orekit is released, how can I use the new one? Can I just put the jar under the dir jars, and remove the old one?

And how can I get the version of orekit in python?


Hi @lirw1984 ,

The “proper” way to upgrade a pip install package is through pip install orekit_jpype --upgrade when a new version of orekit_jpype is released.

Technically, with the jpype wrapper you could also just replace the jar, there is no special java code in the jpype version or orekit. But that should only be if you are working from source code installation, otherwise your pip versions will be messed up.