Orekit GEO-LEO visibility in web GUI

Hello everyone,
this is my first post here, and first of all I wanted to thank you for the great work and active community around this project.
I am embarking right now in a tool, which requires calculation of GEO-LEO optical link visibility computations for the purpose of calculating possible communication windows, given a time interval.
The tool would get OEM orbit data as inputs and calculate the visibility constraints like LoS, Sun blinding, eclipse, terminal masking, etc.
I then need to display in a GUI (I was thinking to use CesiumJs) the results in terms of orbits, ground tracks and links during the visibility windows.
Given also the performance requirements, I found Orekit in java to be the best candidate for this kind of tool.

I have a few questions before I embark on the journey of learning Orekit, to avoid reinventing the wheel:

  • are there existing Orekit projects which do this kind of tasks?
  • I have seen OraaS, which does some LoS calculations with Orekit and interfaces with CesiumJs for the frontend: is the source code available to have a look and reuse it in a local environment? I would have to modify it anyway to get data in OEM format.
  • The goal is to have something working like the Cesium SandCastle Demo Cesium Sandcastle, with Orekit as backend.

Thank you very much for your kind support!

Hello @candlelight, this is not released yet, but I am working on a project that aims at using Orekit to generate CZML files (files that CesiumJs can read).
This project is named OreCzml and is nearly finished. I think it can answer to a lot of topics that you are trying to adress in terms of display using Orekit. For example it already handles :

  • The display of ground tracks
  • The display of bodies like the sun and other objects
  • Lines of visibility between a satellite and a ground station (visibility windows)
  • Oem as input to build objects

So I highly recommend you to see this project that I designed especially for this type of situations. I also did a local cesium interface that you can run into your computer available here. I did this interface because the sandcastle can’t really handle big czml files.

If you have questions do not hesitate, this project is not released yet, so it could still have bugs (even if it is tested).

Have a good day !


Hi @Zudo, this project is very cool and looks like in the very direction of what I want to achieve!
I will have a better look into it in the next days and will contact you in case I have questions :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing!

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@Zudo , looks really interesting! I am sure this will be great using in jupyter notebooks!

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Hello @petrus.hyvonen , I didn’t think about this usage first but if I have some time I will look into it !

Hi @Zudo, I was finally having a bit of time today to get into the topic.
Bare with me, because, although I am familiar with SW programming in general, I am quite new to Maven (and Java).
So I would like to ask you for some support.
I was able to successfully run a ‘mvn clean install’ in the main root oreczml folder to build the packages with the dependencies.
Now, I am unsure how to proceed in order to run one of the examples, let’s say the FieldOfObservationExample.java. Would you please take some time and patience to explain how to achieve that? From my understanding I have somehow to modify the pom.xml file to point to the mainClass, but not sure how to do that and finally run the demo, with CesiumJS also up.
Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Managed, thanks anyway!

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Hi @Zudo, first of all, amazing job!
In my spare time I tried to modify a bit the example InterVisuSatExample.java
I just modified the first satellite to be a GEO one.
I noticed that if I modify the start/endDate parameters to something different, let’s say:
startDate = new AbsoluteDate(2024, 11, 10, 0, 0, 0.0, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
endDate = new AbsoluteDate(2024, 11, 11, 10, 0, 0.0, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
The InterSatVisu calculations are either off, or the rendering in the Cesium-js-interface are, because I see the light blue visibility line intersecting the Earth ellipsoid (so there is no actual visibility) and not showing up when it should. I tried it with many different dates and it seems like also for the working date intervals, after some cycles, the rendering is off. Can you also reproduce the problem?

Hello @candlelight , sorry for the late answer. Is this problem still a thing with the current version of OreCzml or not ?
If so can you provide me your code so that I can understand what you did. Also, if I can have the Czml generated it would be very much appreciated.

Have a good day,
I will now be a lot more present to answer questions.

Hi @Zudo appreciate your answer. I got it fixed by updating the orekit-data directory via the script. I realized I was using dates which were not covered by the ones on the official orekit-data repository. I will try in a future step to integrate with the OEM Adapter and let you know if I find issues doing so, thanks a lot!

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Okay ! Yes if the dates you were using are out of the range of the orekit data this won’t work, glad you fixed it :slight_smile:

If you have any problem with OreCzml do not hesitate to ask, it is still under development and I really appreciate the feedback !

Have a good day