The Orekit team is pleased to announce the release of Orekit version 11.3.
This is a minor version, including both new features and bug fixes.
Highlights in the 11.3 are:
- The unscented Kalman filter (numerical version),
- The semi-analytical unscented Kalman filter (DSST version),
- A new PVCoordinatesProvider modelling waypoints on an ellipsoid following a loxodrome (commonly, a rhumb bline),
- A new method to compute hyperbolic anomaly based on Gooding and Odell algorithm,
- A new built-in additional state for covariance propagation (linear method based on the state transition matrix computation),
- With a new state covariance object allowing covariance transformation between frames and orbit types,
- And the ability to extrapolate a state covariance matrix using a Keplerian model,
- A new ExtremumApproachDetector for close encounter computation,
- The migration of all JUnit tests from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5,
- The ability to estimate measurement parameters (station position or clock biases) from an ephemeris,
- New methods to convert from/to Orekit frames and CCSDS frames,
- Improvements of CCSDS CDM (Collision Data Message) parsers,
- Improvements in date handling and aggregate bounded propagators,
- Several bug fixes and documentation improvements.
This release also include a new tutorial for maneuvers’ thrusts and dates estimation.
This version depends on Hipparchus 2.3.
For complete release notes please see:
The maven artifacts are available in maven central.
The source and binaries can be retrieved from the forge releases page:
How to cite this version ? Use the Zenodo Digital Object Identifier(DOI).