Hello everyone!
I have embarked on a journey to perform Orbit Determination outside of the Earth’s Sphere of Influence.
In such a regime, we would need to consider the gravity of Earth, Moon, Sun, Jupiter, and an N number of bodies based on the use-case. An orbit in such a regime is generally non-Keplerian, non-planar, and not centered about a fixed barycenter (hinting to the inadecuacy of CR3BP limited realism for such a task in cislunar space, for example, to which @luc has eluded to here!.
The BLSEstimator
I use requires a PropagatorBuilder
. The underlying propagator that is built needs to have (inspired from the CR3BP tutorials):
, to clarify that the orbit is non-KepleriannumericalPropagator.setIgnoreCentralAttraction(true)
, to clarify that there is no single central attraction pointnumericalPropagator.addForceModel(...)
with my choice of n-body accelerations from selected planetary bodies, similarly to @sebastien.herbiniere suggestion!
However, I do not have access to the first two methods from the NumericalPropagatorBuilder
object. I noticed that the builder, inside the buildPropagator
method, attempts to conditionally add a Newtonian attraction by itself from the input Orbit
, if one such force is not present.
Adding the solar bodies as perturbation force models in an Earth-Centered initial orbit is probably not equivalent to what I would like to achieve, but yet again I am not sure now!
Question: What recommendations would you have to perform Orbit Determination within an n-body attraction environment, for a non-Keplerian orbit with known initial state guess in Cartesian coordinates (say in J2000?) ? I feel that if BatchLSEstimator
had a NumericalPropagator
argument instead of NumericalPropagatorBuilder
, my problem would be solved, is that right or no? Alternatively, if the NumericalPropagatorBuilder
could buildPropagator
and keep a reference of the result in its instance as a member, I would also be able to reference it and use the setters on-the-fly (sounds too sketchy perhaps?).
Thank you!
P.S. Can I just say how happy I am for Orekit 12.0?