I am attempting to duplicate the code below using the Orekit 12.0 Python wrapper. I’m fairly certain this code was written in Orekit 8.0 because it was written in 2016 and uses the method GroundStation.getOffsetDerivatives. This method hasn’t existed since Orekit 9.0 from what I’ve been able to find. I need to be able to calculate partial derivatives of the azimuth and elevation of ground station to satellite measurements for use later and the following code is how it was done before:
// station topocentric frame (east-north-zenith) in station parent frame expressed as DerivativeStructures
final OffsetDerivatives od = station.getOffsetDerivatives(6, 3, 4, 5);
final FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> east = od.getEast();
final FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> north = od.getNorth();
final FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> zenith = od.getZenith();
I have spent days searching through documentation to find a similar solution; like using
FieldTransform<Gradient> getOffsetToInertial(Frame inertial, AbsoluteDate clockDate, int freeParameters, Map<String,Integer> indices)
but I can’t seem to find a good way that makes sense to me.