Mark Rutten nominated as Orekit PMC member

The Orekit team is happy to welcome a new PMC member: Mark Rutten (@markrutten).

Mark Rutten’s work covers non-linear estimation, tracking and sensor fusion, including orbit determination for space situational awareness.
He runs a small consultancy, InTrack Solutions, in Australia.

Mark has been elected as committer in July 2023 for his already important contributions, and has continued to work on both Orekit and Hipparchus since then!

The full list of Orekit PMC members as of 2025-01-17 is therefore:

  • Anne-Olivia Biramben (CS GROUP)
  • Bryan Cazabonne (Airbus Defence and Space)
  • Paul Cefola (University at Buffalo)
  • Frank Dreger (European Space Agency - ESOC)
  • Hank Grabowski (Independent Expert)
  • Sébastien Herbinière (Safran Data Systems)
  • Petrus Hyvönen (Swedish Space Corporation)
  • Yannick Jeandroz (Airbus Defence and Space)
  • Maxime Journot (CS GROUP)
  • Christophe Le Bris (Thales Alenia Space)
  • Stéphanie Lizy-Destrez (ISAE)
  • Luc Maisonobe (Thales Alenia Space)
  • Guillermo Ortega (European Space Agency - ESTEC)
  • Pascal Parraud (CS GROUP)
  • Mark Rutten (InTrack Solutions)
  • Romain Serra (Exotrail)
  • Evan Ward (Naval Research Laboratory)

Welcome to Mark! :confetti_ball:


Congratulations @markrutten, and thanks to @MaximeJ for his post here and on the Orekit website.

I just relayed the news on LinkedIn: