Internal error when TLE propagator captures date in v11.1.2

Hi there
I am sorry but I may have found an error on version 11.1.2.
I have a scenario that captures 2 events based on date, one at the beginning of the propagation and one at the end using TLE propagation.
The test I have was successful with version 11.1, while it fails with version 11.1.2

Here the test.

    // TLE
    val tleOrbit = new OrbitElement(
        "1 43197U 18015F   19284.07336221  .00000533  00000-0  24811-4 0  9998",
        "2 43197  97.4059  50.1428 0017543 265.5429 181.0400 15.24136761 93779");

    // startTime, endTime
    val start = 1570802400000L;
    val end = 1570838399000L;

    //Build propagator
    TLE tle = new TLE("1 43197U 18015F   19284.07336221  .00000533  00000-0  24811-4 0  9998",
        "2 43197  97.4059  50.1428 0017543 265.5429 181.0400 15.24136761 93779");
    Propagator propagator = TLEPropagator.selectExtrapolator(tle);

    //Create logger
    EventsLogger orbitalLogger = new EventsLogger();
    //Max check to seconds
    int maxCheck = (int) ((end - start) / 2000);
    DateDetector dateDetector = new DateDetector(
        maxCheck ,
        .withHandler(new GenericEventHandler<>());

    //Add event detectors to orbit

    SpacecraftState lastState = propagator.propagate(


public static AbsoluteDate getAbsoluteDateFromTimestamp(long timestamp) {
    LocalDateTime utcDate = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestamp), UTC_ZONE_ID);
    val year = utcDate.getYear();
    val month = utcDate.getMonthValue();
    val day = utcDate.getDayOfMonth();
    val hour = utcDate.getHour();
    val minute = utcDate.getMinute();
    val second = utcDate.getSecond();
    val millis = utcDate.getNano() / 1e9;
    return new AbsoluteDate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()).shiftedBy(millis);

Here the error

internal error, please notify development team by creating a new topic at
org.orekit.errors.OrekitInternalError: internal error, please notify development team by creating a new topic at
	at app//
	at app//
	at app//
	at app//org.orekit.propagation.analytical.AbstractAnalyticalPropagator.acceptStep(
	at app//org.orekit.propagation.analytical.AbstractAnalyticalPropagator.propagate(

The test fails due to:

  • maxCheck big, half of the propagation period, set to speed up the calculation as I am interested only in first and last moments
  • .shiftedBy(1) adding a second to the last timestamp so to extend the propagation period, so to capture with the event the last moment

The test does not fail if:

  • I set the maxCheck to a smaller number (like 100 sec)
  • I do not add the additional second
  • I add a big interval to the last moment

I stated, this test was not failing with previous version.

Thanks for the follow up

Hi @alberto-ferrero

We are very sorry for the regression you observed.

I don’t think the problem is related to the TLE propagator. To my mind, it is a side effect of the recent changes we performed in 11.1.2 version for the event bracketing issues.

Could you please open an issue on our bug tracker?

Best regards,

Sure, sorry for creating the ticket in the wrong place.
You can close it as I will create on the right place.
In any case, thanks so much for the work you’re doing!

That’s perfect. I can see the ticket for the issue.

Thank you,

Hi Alberto,

It’s all right to ask on the forum first and then open a ticket on the forge.
It is actually (in my opinion) a very good practice for reporting a bug.
So no need to apologize !

Have a nice day,