Help with ConfigurableLowThrustManeuver and StartStopEventsTrigger

Hello all,

My goal with Orekit lately has been to implement a low thrust maneuver triggered based off of the True Anomaly of the spacecraft. Ideally it would be similar to the process outlined here. However since the recent updates to Orekit, the way the ConfigurableLowThrustManeuver is constructed has now changed to be compatible with fields, and requires a specific ManeuverTrigger class, which are all abstract and require subclassing. At the time of writing this, I continue to encounter null pointer errors seemingly from the getEventDetectors function, and I am unsure if I am subclassing incorrectly or if there is a bug.

Can anyone provide an example of using the StartStopEventsTrigger class in python? Ideally with the the positionAngleDetector.

-Thanks in Advance!

I Tyler-Gaston, I believe we have almost the same issue about the StartStopEventsTrigger wich is a bit tricky to use. Did you manage to solve this problem ?




Answer given by @Vincent on the following post

Best regards,

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Thanks @Vincent for providing an example and @bcazabonne for linking it here,

The example is tremendously helpful in getting the subclassing right!

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