Help Running Rugged and Orekit in Java Eclipse and Calculating Camera Side View


I am new to using Orekit and Rugged and need help running the software in a Java Eclipse environment. I have satellite data including position, velocity, and the angles for roll, yaw, and pitch at a specific date and time.


  • DateTime, X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz, Roll, Yaw, Pitch

Required Output:

  • Projected Latitude, Projected Longitude

Could anyone provide guidance on how to calculate the camera’s side view and the projected coordinates?

Thank you!
Mohamed Embaby

Hi @MohamedEmbaby85, welcome

I suggest you to look at direct location tutorial if you don’t have a Digital Elevation Model, or at direct location with DEM tutorial if you have one.

I think there is an error in the tutorial, though: the pixels coordinates seem to lack a FastMath.tan(...) computation in the Y component I think.


Hello Mohamed,

The tutorial pointed by Luc will gives you all information to construct platform (from PV and Quaternion) and instrument , tu configure Rugged.

You talk about “camera”, is it a push broom camera ?




@luc I have just created an issue for the tuotiral update :check LOS angles in tutorials (#397) · Issues · Orekit / Rugged · GitLab