Find Apside after Impulsive Maneuver

Hey all,

my propagation sequence has the goal to find the delta-v of a maneuver in apogee, to raise the perigee.

What I do is:

  1. propagate to apogee
  2. apply delta-v in flight direction
  3. propagate half/orbit period (to perigee)
  4. Check if I reached desired perigee radius

This is all in a PowellOptimizer loop and works well so far.
However what I do not like is the fact that I propagate half/orbit period to reach the “new” perigee after the maneuver.

I would like to do it with a designated EventDetector, however obviously the maneuver changes the apo/peri and the ApsideDetector will get confused by that.

I tried to use the ApsideDetector with the Handler “Stop at Event”, so it stops wether it’s in the perigee or apogee (cause depending on the sice of the maneuver both could be). But this does not seem to work, as it stops way to early.

So, you have a suggestion how to solve this more smoothly?


I think I would use the PV data at the manoeuvre point to calculate the new orbit period using the basic Keplerian equations, then propagate for say 3/8ths of the orbit period to put me near but not on the new apside. The apside detector should then pick up on the changed apside correctly?

I’m assuming you’re not using a near-equatorial and not a near-circular orbit?

Hi, I am actually using a near circular orbit…
So would the maybe a apside detector (maybe wrapped with a time period to be valid in) still be the right choice?

What would be an alternative, next to just propagating half kepler period?


Heya! I’d use a node or equator crossing detector in the case of a near-circular orbit as the apsides will be poorly defined/prone to movement. (For a perfectly circular orbit the apsides don’t exist)