EventEnablingPredicateFilter not working

Hi all,

I want to use the PredicateFilter in Matlab.
Unfortunatelly the predicate is not accepted

curstate = propagate(initialState.getDate().shiftedBy(86400*5));

trigger_aps = ApsideDetector(initialOrbit);
trigger_apo = trigger_aps.withHandler(StopOnDecreasing); % chnage to stop at apogee

    predicate = propagator.getInitialState.getDate.isBefore(curstate.getDate.shiftedBy(60*60));
    apo_trigger = EventEnablingPredicateFilter(trigger_apo,true);


No constructor 'org.orekit.propagation.events.EventEnablingPredicateFilter' with
matching signature found.

How would I set the predicate on Matlab site correctly?
The variable “predicate” carries a boolean after initialization. So the statement itself works.
However I want to pass it to the EventEnablingPredicateFilter.


Hi @afu,

Second argument here should be an EnablingPredicate, it is a Java interface that you need to implement.
I believe this is a similar problem as the question you asked on how to subclass in Matlab.

Hope this helps,

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