Good afternoon @ the Orekit Community,
I have some troubles using detectors and handlers in a propagation.
More precisely, I would like to use several handler (Handler1, Handler2, Handler3) to perform distinct tasks. All handlers shall perform their tasks at the same time, and they are therefore associated with the same type of detector (here: an ApsideDetector).
From my understanding, it is not possible to associate one single detector with several handlers, am I correct ?
The solution I have chosen is to create 3 ApsideDetector : one for each handler.
My handlers can return either Action.RESET_STATE, Action.RESET_EVENT or Action.CONTINUE.
It seems that after a certain time of propagation, we loose control of the propagation (like an endless loop ? I lose the thread executor). Could it be possible that two handlers - active at the same propagation step - reset each other’s calls ? Did this kind of problem already happen to one of you ?
We are still digging to find the exact root cause in the deep code of propagation … but we have no more clue than these several handlers interferring while resetting states.
Just for information, after reading this post (AbstractIntegrator.acceptStep endless looping in eventLoop) - by the way : great feature “your topic is similar to” ! - I downloaded the latest 10.2 orekit version. However, it had no effect on my problem.
Thanks in advance,