DSSTAtmosphericDrag maximum altitude


I saw that the DSSTAtmosphericDrag model has a hard-coded maximum altitude of 1000 km for computing drag. A user cannot change this max altitude at the moment.

Is the 1000 km altitude hard-coded for a specific reason (e.g. some feature of DSST)? Or could a user be allowed to change this number? So one can also model decay above 1000 km.
I tried with a max altitude of 2000 km and DSST still works (the unit tests succeed, except for the max altitude assertion).

Best regards,

Hi @dgondelach

I think it is OK to update this altitude threshold. I’m not aware of any altitude limit for atmospheric drag in DSST theory. As you also know this theory very well, if you are not aware of a theoritical limite too, +1 for adding a method allowing the update.
A setter can be added or something like updateAtmosphericDragLimit(double)

Best regards,

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Hi @bcazabonne,

Thanks for your answer! I’ll try to find some time to add such function.

Thank you,