Data Context Proposal

It seems someone already gave you write access to orekit-tutorials before me. Could you
check if it works?

My bad, it seems like this was a git configuration issue on my side. I’ve now been able to push the new develop branch to the tutorials repos, so my commit rights work. I’ll push the commit for the typos later today. Sorry to have bothered you for nothing.

I can merge them all into the develop branch.

Nice tutorial! The code, good for a tutorial, would create performance issues if used in production. Every time context.getFrames() is called it creates a new set of frames. Would be a memory hog and could hurt performance since the equality shortcut in frame.getTransform(...) would not be used. I created CompositeDataContext to have a convenient way to address this issue. Again, not an issue for a tutorial, but I would be nervous if someone pasted that into production code.

Also the loop output should be indented show it is treated as preformatted.

Thanks for writing the tutorial!

I fixed this on the new develop branch of the tutorials repo, along with a couple other typos.

I did not touch the tutorial code however, so your other points are still applicable.