This is a VOTE in order to release version 2.0 of the Hipparchus library.
Version 2.0 is a major release.
Highlights in the 2.0 release are:
- addition of a sequential Gauss-Newton optimizer
- improved relative scheduling of step handlers and events handlers in ODE
- addition of a finish callback in step handlers
- replacement of RealFieldElement by CalculusFieldElement interface
- many improvements in Complex to fully implement CalculusFieldElement with correct branch cuts
- addition of FieldComplex
- implementation of elliptic functions and integrals (for real, complex and general fields)
- faster simultaneous computation of sinh/cosh
The release candidate 1 can be found on the GitHub repository as tag 2.0-RC1 in the release-2.0 branch.
Source and binary archives are available using the staged web site downloads page at Downloads | Hipparchus.
Note that the index page at /downloads does not show the 2.0 release, as it has not been voted yet.
The release notes can be read here: Hipparchus Release Notes | Hipparchus.
Maven artifacts are available at Index of /repositories/orghipparchus-1031
The votes will be tallied in 120 hours for now, on 2021-07-21T22:00:00Z (this is UTC time).