Hello everyone, I now have the orbital parameters of a satellite and the latitude, longitude, and altitude of a ground station. I want to calculate the time period when the satellite and the ground station are visible to each other. The minimum elevation angle for the ground station is 7 degrees, and the maximum communication distance is 3000 kilometers. Could you please advise me on how to implement this using code? Thank you very much.Here is my code, and I couldn’t find the correct Detector type.
public static void getStation2SatWin(String line1, String line2, Station2SatWinReq winReq) {
OneAxisEllipsoid earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(Constants.WGS84_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS, Constants.WGS84_EARTH_FLATTENING, FramesFactory.getTEME());
AbsoluteDate startTime = new AbsoluteDate(winReq.getValidTime(), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
AbsoluteDate endTime = new AbsoluteDate(winReq.getInvalidTime(), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
final TLE tle = new TLE(line1, line2);
final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider = new LofOffset(FramesFactory.getTEME(), LOFType.VVLH);
final SGP4 propagator = new SGP4(tle, attitudeProvider, winReq.getSatMass(), FramesFactory.getTEME());
GeodeticPoint point = new GeodeticPoint(FastMath.toRadians(winReq.getLatitude()),
TopocentricFrame topocentricFrame = new TopocentricFrame(earth, point, "Gstation");
EventsLogger logger = new EventsLogger();
ElevationDetector detector = new ElevationDetector(topocentricFrame).withConstantElevation(FastMath.toRadians(winReq.getMinElevation()));
final EventSlopeFilter<ElevationDetector> maxElevationDetector =
new EventSlopeFilter<ElevationDetector>(detector, FilterType.TRIGGER_ONLY_DECREASING_EVENTS);
propagator.propagate(startTime, endTime);
for (EventsLogger.LoggedEvent e : logger.getLoggedEvents()) {
SpacecraftState state = e.getState();
Orbit orbit = state.getOrbit();
Attitude attitude = state.getAttitude();