ApsideDetector: detect first only

Dear Orekit Community,

Is it possible to tell the ApsideDetector (as well as any AbstractDetector) to detect only the first event occurrence and ignore and do not even log any later event?

Notice: I know that the default implementation behavior is to continue propagation at apogee crossing and to stop propagation at perigee crossing. What I want, in this particular case, is to detect only the first apogee crossing event and do not even log any other later event (i.e. apogee or perigee crossing after the first one).

Thank you all.

Kind Regards,

It is not possible directly, but it should be easy to do by wrapping the detector in a custom one. Something along these lines:

  public class FirstEvenDetector extends AbstractDetector<FirstEvenDetector> {

    private final EventDetector raw;
    private boolean firstIncreasingSeen;

    public FirstEvenDetector(EventDetector raw) {
             new StopOnDecreasing<FirstEvenDetector>(),

    private FirstEvenDetector(double newMaxCheck,
                              double newThreshold,
                              int newMaxIter,
                              EventHandler<? super FirstEvenDetector> newHandler,
                              EventDetector raw) {
        super(maxCheck, threshold, maxIter, handler);
        this.raw                 = raw;
        this.firstIncreasingSeen = false;

    protected abstract FirstEvenDetector create(double newMaxCheck,
                                                double newThreshold,
                                                int newMaxIter,
                                                EventHandler<? super FirstEvenDetector> newHandler) {
        return new FirstEvenDetector(newMaxCheck, newThreshold, newMaxIter, newHandler, raw);

    public void init(final SpacecraftState s0, final AbsoluteDate t) {
      raw.init(s0, t);
      this.firstIncreasingSeen = false;

    public double g(SpacecraftState s) {
        return firstIncreasingSeen ? +1 : raw.g(s);

    public Action eventOccurred(SpacecraftState s, boolean increasing) {
        firstIncreasingSeen = increasing;
        return raw.eventOccurred(s, increasing);
    public SpacecraftState resetState(SpacecraftState oldState) {
        return raw.resetState(oldState);

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Thanks Luc for your quick solution!
I will try to translate it to Python and implement it.

Meanwhile, I was trying the following script (extract):

elif mantype == 'A' or mantype == 'P':                                                      # If this is an Apogee or Perigee triggered maneuver:
            Beware that apside detection will fail for almost circular orbits.
            If for example an apside detector is used to trigger an ImpulseManeuver and the maneuver change the orbit shape to circular,
            then the detector may completely fail just after the maneuver has been performed!
            if mantype == 'P':                                                                      #   If this is Perigee triggered maneuver:
                apsideStopper = ApsideDetector(self.pv.getOrbit())                                  #     stop at perigees and continue at apogees
            else:                                                                                   #   If this is Apogee triggered maneuver:
                apsideStopper = ApsideDetector(self.pv.getOrbit()).withHandler(StopOnDecreasing())  #     stop at apogees and continue at perigees
            class MyApsidePredicate(PythonEnablingPredicate):                                       #   MyPredicate class definition
                def eventIsEnabled(self, state, detector, g):                                       #     eventIsEnabled method definition
                    statedate = state.getDate()                                                     #       get state date
                    SMA = state.getA()                                                              #       get SMA
                    r = state.getPVCoordinates(inertialFrame).getPosition().getNorm()               #       get position radius r
                    mindate = firingDate                                                            #       set min date
                    maxdate = firingDate.shiftedBy(state.getKeplerianPeriod())                      #       set max date (min date + 1 orbit period)
                    cnd1 = statedate.isAfterOrEqualTo(mindate)                                      #       set condition 1 (state date >= min date)
                    cnd2 = statedate.isBefore(maxdate)                                              #       set condition 2 (state date < max date)
                    if mantype == 'P':                                                              #       If this is a Perigee maneuver:
                        cnd3 = r < SMA                                                              #       set condition 3 (radius < SMA)
                    else:                                                                           #       If this is an Apogee maneuver:
                        cnd3 = r > SMA                                                              #       set condition 3 (radius > SMA)
                    return cnd1 and cnd2 and cnd3                                                   #       return boolean: true if all conditions are met
            predicate = MyApsidePredicate()                                                         #   define predicate object
            triggers = EventEnablingPredicateFilter(apsideStopper, predicate)                       #   define trigger as ascending node stopper with predicate

But it logs every single Apogee (mantype == 'A') [or Perigee (mantype == 'P')] crossing event. I’m testing it with a low eccentricity orbit (e ≈ 0.001), where osculating Apogee [or Perigee] may be crossed more than once in an orbital period (that’s why the need to detect the first event only).

Can I recycle my code and insert some detection flag in the eventIsEnabled method to enable only the logging of the first detected event?

Thank you very much,

Hi @luc,

once I define the triggers for the maneuver at Apside, I set the ManLoggedDectector and the impulsive maneuver impMan:

ManLoggedDectector = self.ManLogger.monitorDetector(triggers)                               # init. monitor detector from triggers
self.prop.addEventDetector(ManLoggedDectector)                                              # add monitor detector to propagator
impMan = ImpulseManeuver(triggers, attitudeOverride, mandv, isp)                            # define impulse maneuver
self.prop.addEventDetector(impMan)                                                          # add maneuver to the propagator with event detector method

After the propagation, for instance in the ManLogger.getLoggedEvents(), is it possible to get only the events where the maneuver was executed?
Or, alternatively, is it possible to delete from log all those events where maneuver was not executed?

Thank you very much,

@petrus.hyvonen, would you please help me translating to Python Luc’s solution?
Thank you very much,

Hi Alfredo,

There is an example of subclassing of PythonAbstractDetector at:

This could be used as a template for Luc’s solution. Luc’s example has multiple constructors, something that Python language does not have, so the one with a signle input needs to go away in the Python version and you need to give the full parameters when constructing. The example in the test case above includes a way to do similar thing, by using the Python _ _ init _ _ method and setting up the parameters there.

I don’t have time today to test it, but look at the example, that should give you a starting point.

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Thanks @petrus.hyvonen,
I’ve tried implementing Luc’s solution in my Python class:

from org.hipparchus.util import FastMath
from org.hipparchus.ode.events import Action
from org.orekit.frames import LOFType
from org.orekit.orbits import KeplerianOrbit
from org.orekit.attitudes import LofOffset
from org.orekit.propagation.events import DateDetector, NodeDetector, PythonEnablingPredicate, EventEnablingPredicateFilter, PythonAbstractDetector
from org.orekit.propagation.events.handlers import PythonEventHandler, StopOnEvent
from org.orekit.forces.maneuvers import ImpulseManeuver
from org.orekit.utils import Constants
from java.util import ArrayList as ArrayList

# constants
tformat = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
dtsl = 19                                                                             # [int] date time string length
TAtol = 10.0                                                                          # [deg] True Anomaly tolerance for Apoapsis/Periapsis detection
# global variables
StopDetecting = False
enabledEvent = False

def add_impulsive_maneuver(self,inertialFrame,firingDate,mandv,mantype,isp):
    This method inserts an impulsive maneuver in the propagator.
    - in plane maneuvers trigger: firingDate
    - out of plane maneuvers trigger: first Acending Node after firingDate
    inertialFrame : [Frame]      Frame for the attitudeOverride
    firingDate : [AbsoluteDate]  Maneuver minimum time (or exact time when mantype == 'T')
    mandv : [3D vector]          Maneuver delta v vector
    mantype : [str]              Maneuver type ('AN' Ascending Node; 'DN' Descending Node; 'A' @ Apogee; 'P' @ Perigee; 'T' Time triggered)
    isp : [s]                    Specific impulse
    class MyPredicate(PythonEnablingPredicate):                                                 #   MyPredicate class definition
        def eventIsEnabled(self, state, detector, g):                                           #     eventIsEnabled method definition
            global enabledEvent
            statedate = state.getDate()                                                         #       get state date
            mindate = firingDate                                                                #       set min date
            maxdate = firingDate.shiftedBy(state.getKeplerianPeriod())                          #       set max date (min date + 1 orbit period)
            cnd1 = statedate.isAfterOrEqualTo(mindate)                                          #       set condition 1 (state date >= min date)
            cnd2 = statedate.isBefore(maxdate)                                                  #       set condition 2 (state date < max date)
            if mantype == 'AN':                                                                 #       If maneuver shall be executed at Ascending Node:
                Vz = state.getPVCoordinates(inertialFrame).getVelocity().getZ()                 #       get state Vz
                cnd3 = Vz > 0.0                                                                 #         set condition 3 (state positive Vz)
            elif mantype == 'DN':                                                               #       else (descending node):
                Vz = state.getPVCoordinates(inertialFrame).getVelocity().getZ()                 #         get state Vz
                cnd3 = Vz < 0.0                                                                 #         set condition 3 (state negative Vz)
            elif mantype == 'A':                                                                #       If maneuver shall be executed at Apogee:
                SMA = state.getA()                                                              #         get SMA
                r = state.getPVCoordinates(inertialFrame).getPosition().getNorm()               #         get position radius r
                cnd3 = r > SMA                                                                  #         true if radius is greater than SMA
            elif mantype == 'P':                                                                #       If maneuver shall be executed at Perigee:
                SMA = state.getA()                                                              #         get SMA
                r = state.getPVCoordinates(inertialFrame).getPosition().getNorm()               #         get position radius r
                cnd3 = r < SMA                                                                  #         true if radius is smaller than SMA
                raise Exception('{:s} is an unknown maneuver type. Known options are:\n''AN'' Ascending Node\n''DN'' Descending Node\n''A'' @ Apogee\n''P'' @ Perigee\n''T'' Time triggered'.format(mantype))   #   raise exception
            enabledEvent = cnd1 and cnd2 and cnd3
            kep = KeplerianOrbit(state.getPVCoordinates(), state.getFrame(), state.getDate(), Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU) # Keplerian orbit from state
            kTA = FastMath.toDegrees(kep.getTrueAnomaly())                              # [deg]   True Anomaly
            kMAdot = FastMath.toDegrees(kep.getMeanAnomalyDot())*86400.0/360.0          # [rev/d] Mean Anomaly dot
            print('[dbg] {:s} Searching: {:s} TA: {:6.1f} MAdot[rev/d]: {:6.1f} dotProd[km^2/s]: {:5.1f} cnd: {:d} {:d} {:d}'.format(state.getDate().toString()[0:dtsl],mantype,kTA,kMAdot,g*1e-6,cnd1,cnd2,cnd3))
            return enabledEvent                                                                 #       return boolean: true if 3 conditions are met

    class ApsideStopper(PythonEventHandler):
        ''' Eventhandler that stops at apside '''
        def init(self, initialstate, target, detector):
        def eventOccurred(self, s, detector, increasing):
            global StopDetecting
            kep = KeplerianOrbit(s.getPVCoordinates(), s.getFrame(), s.getDate(), Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU)
            kTA = FastMath.toDegrees(kep.getTrueAnomaly())             # [deg] True Anomaly
            kMAdot = FastMath.toDegrees(kep.getMeanAnomalyDot())*86400.0/360.0 # [rev/day] Mean Anomaly dot
            evDate = s.getDate().toString()[0:dtsl]                    # [str] event date
            if (mantype == 'P' and abs(kTA) < TAtol) or \
               (mantype == 'A' and abs(abs(kTA)-180.0) < TAtol):
                StopDetecting = True
                ation2return = Action.STOP
                ation2return = Action.CONTINUE
            print('Time: {:s} type: {:s} TA: {:6.1f} MAdot[rev/d]: {:6.1f} increasing: {:d} action: {}'.format(evDate,mantype,kTA,kMAdot,increasing,ation2return))
            return ation2return
        def resetState(self, detector, oldState):
            return oldState

    class FirstEvenDetector(PythonAbstractDetector):
        ''' Detects only the first event '''
        def __init__(self, orbit, newMaxCheck=None, newThreshHold=None, newMaxIter=None, handler=None):
            self.orbit = orbit
            self.firstIncreasingSeen = False
            global StopDetecting, enabledEvent
            StopDetecting = False
            if newMaxCheck is None:
                # The orbit is used only to set an upper bound for the max check interval to period/3
                dmax = orbit.getKeplerianPeriod() / 3
                dmax = newMaxCheck
            if newThreshHold is None:
                # The orbit is used only to set the convergence threshold according to orbit size
                dthresh = 1.0e-13 * orbit.getKeplerianPeriod()
                dthresh = newThreshHold
            if newMaxIter is None:
                dmaxiter = PythonAbstractDetector.DEFAULT_MAX_ITER
                dmaxiter = newMaxIter
            if handler is None:
                handler = StopOnEvent().of_(FirstEvenDetector)
            super(FirstEvenDetector, self).__init__(dmax, dthresh, dmaxiter, handler) #super(maxCheck, threshold, maxIter, handler);
        def init(self, *args, **kw):
        def setFirstIncreasingSeen(self, value):
            self.firstIncreasingSeen = value
        def g(self, s):
            if StopDetecting:
                print('[dbg] {:s} detection is stopped'.format(s.getDate().toString()[0:dtsl]))
                return 1.0
                dotProd = s.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().dotProduct(s.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity())       # [m^2/s] positon velocity dot product
                return dotProd
        def create(self, newMaxCheck, newThreshHold, newMaxIter, newHandler):
            return FirstEvenDetector(self.orbit, handler=newHandler)

    if mantype == 'T':                                                                          # If this is a Time triggered maneuver:
        triggers = DateDetector(firingDate)                                                     #   define trigger as date detector at firing date
    elif mantype == 'A' or mantype == 'P':                                                      # If this is an Apogee or Perigee triggered maneuver:
        detector = FirstEvenDetector(self.pv.getOrbit())
        mystopper = ApsideStopper().of_(FirstEvenDetector)
        detector = detector.withHandler(mystopper)
        predicate = MyPredicate()                                                               #   define predicate object
        triggers = EventEnablingPredicateFilter(detector, predicate)                            #   define trigger as first apside detector stopper with predicate
    elif mantype == 'AN' or mantype == 'DN':                                                    # If this is an out-of-plane maneuver to be executed @ AN or DN:
        ascendingNodeStopper = NodeDetector(inertialFrame)                                      #   stop at ascending nodes and continue at descending nodes
        predicate = MyPredicate()                                                               #   define predicate object
        triggers = EventEnablingPredicateFilter(ascendingNodeStopper, predicate)                #   define trigger as ascending node stopper with predicate
    else:                                                                                       # This is an unknown maneuver:
        raise Exception('{:s} is an unknown maneuver type. Known options are:\n''AN'' Ascending Node\n''DN'' Descending Node\n''A'' @ Apogee\n''P'' @ Perigee\n''T'' Time triggered'.format(mantype))   #   raise exception
    ManLoggedDectector = self.ManLogger.monitorDetector(triggers)                               # init. monitor detector from triggers
    self.prop.addEventDetector(ManLoggedDectector)                                              # add monitor detector to propagator
    attitudeOverride = LofOffset(inertialFrame,LOFType.VNC)                                     # Align attitude with VNC frame
    impMan = ImpulseManeuver(triggers, attitudeOverride, mandv, isp)                            # define impulse maneuver
    self.prop.addEventDetector(impMan)                                                          # add maneuver to the propagator with event detector method

Do you see any issue in it?

Since I didn’t know how to set the attribute self.firstIncreasingSeen in class ApsideStopper, I had to use the global variable StopDetecting in order to communicate to class FirstEvenDetector that the event was found. Is there a more elegant way to set that flag?

Thank you very much.
Kind regards,