On 21 Dec 2021,Master Luc asked if i would share the tileUpdater implementation of Noaa’s GLOBE DEM, I said yes.But I was failed to have it done earlier.
Any way,one year later,I put my code here and I would love to help more people and make a good use of rugged.
A description of Noaa’s GLOBE(Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation) DEM could be found here:
the GLOBE DEM DOC also uploaded here.
globedocumentationmanual (1).pdf (2.2 MB)
codes are down here:
NoaaGlobeDEMReader.java (15.4 KB)
DEMReader.java (928 Bytes)
DemTileInfo.java (4.1 KB)
GlobeDemTileUpdater.java (4.6 KB)