Adding OreCzml as a dependency in a docker container

Hi all,

Recently switched over from the Python wrapper of Orekit to the Java version. I have my development environment set up in VS Code and am using Maven and the Jersey rest API framework. I saw that OreCzml came out and immediately got super excited to make use of it (I wrote a very bootleg CZML writer when I was using the Python wrapper). Now, it’s not available in the central Maven repository, so in order to include it as a dependency in my docker container, I have modified my dockerfile to copy over a local maven repository where I have stored it (and cesiumlanguagewriter 3.0). I’ll include a copy of my dockerfile below for reference. When attempting to build my docker image, I’m met with a build failure and an error that suggests the pom.xml for OreCzml uses compiler target and source of java 17; the rest of the project (Orekit, cesiumlanguagewriter), including the container itself via the dockerfile, uses Java 8. I clone the source code repo for OreCzml and attempt to switch the compiler settings in the pom.xml to 8, but now the project won’t compile into a jar, due to 80-something instances of “.of()” methods (added in Java 9), as well as a couple other errors. All can be replaced with functionalities supported by Java 8 so I’ve been working my way through that, but is there something I’m missing to accomplish this goal without this nuance? Why would there be Java 9+ methods in this project? Why does it allow me to use the packages in my development environment but throws a fit when I try to build the same dependencies into a docker image? As far as JDK on my local machine, I have the path set to my Java 8 JDK, but have a 17 JDK installed elsewhere for some of my VS Code extensions to look at. Unsure if there’s a more desirable configuration there, or if I need to somehow instruct the dockerfile (and include) to use 17 for compiling the OreCzml package. Any insight at all would be wonderful! Thank you in advance :slight_smile: Can provide more context if needed!

# Stage 1: Build the application
FROM maven:3.8.5-jdk-8-slim AS builder

# Set the working directory for the application

# Copy source code- (including pom.xml) into container
COPY . .

# Copy the custom local Maven repository from host/build machine into the container
# Adjust the localMavenRepo path to the correct location in the project
COPY ./localMavenRepo /root/.m2/repository

# Run Maven build, specifying the custom local repository using -Dmaven.repo.local
RUN mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dmaven.repo.local=/root/.m2/repository

# Stage 2: Run the application
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine

# Set the working directory for the runtime environment

# Copy the jar file from the builder stage
COPY --from=builder /app/target/orekitjersey-0.0.7.jar app.jar

# Copy the orekit-data dependency folder (or other resources as needed)
COPY ./orekit-data/ /app/orekit-data/

# Expose port 8080

# Define the command to run the app
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"]

Hi @beef,

You should use jdk 17 alpine instead of jdk 8 in your docker file. Later version of java are retro compatible.


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That did the trick! Thanks, Vincent.

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