4th Orekit Talk: "OreCzml, a 3D visualization library for Orekit" by Julien Leblond - Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 1pm UTC+1:00 (CET)

Dear everyone,

The next Orekit talk will be hosted virtually on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 1pm UTC+1:00 (CET).

The topic will be “OreCzml, a 3D visualization library for Orekit”. It will be presented by Julien Leblond (@Zudo).

Julien will present the work he has done this year at CS Group during his internship for Master degree in “Space System Engineering” at ISAE-Supaero.
Some of you may have already seen the great results of his work on this forum post.

In a nutshell, the library designed by Julien, OreCzml, provides a Java bridge between Orekit and CesiumJS™, using the CZML file format.
It allows to easily visualize orbital data from Orekit in 3D!

Save the date! A link to register for the event will be provided soon.



Here is the link for the online event:

If you have any problems registering or questions, feel free to share them on this thread!



Hello all,

A gentle reminder that the Orekit Talk is tomorrow.
Don’t forget to suscribe if you plan to attend !

See you tomorrow,

Sigh… I mis-converted the time and thus missed the talk. I don’t suppose there’s a link?

Ah sorry @baubin.
I will provide the slides and the video very soon don’t worry

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Hello @baubin ,

The presentation was recorded and someone else already asked for a Youtube link. We will post it here once it is uploaded.


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Dear all,

Here is the material of the 4th Orekit talk by Julien Leblond (@Zudo ).

Thanks a lot to him for this great presentation and the live demo of OreCzml!
And many thanks to all of the attendees!

OreCzml open-source library is already available in Orekit official namespace on Gitlab.
We warmly encourage you to test it, use it, and help us improve it by opening tickets or, even better, by contributing to it!

During the talk, Julien made a live demo of Oreczml. We recommend you to watch it, it really shows how simple it is to produce nice 3D rendering of orbital simulations with a few lines of code.

We’re always happy to organize Orekit Talks. If you want to present your work please contact us by mail or on the forum!!!

It is open to everyone in the community, you can present your application or product, the only requirement is that it is related to Orekit.



It was a real pleasure to present what I did. The best I can ask now is to make this tool even better with contributions.

Many thanks to all the attendees.

Hope you will find it useful and fun to use !

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hello, any python wrapper scheduled ?

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@Koxx3 Hello, it has been asked already a few times. I never did a wrapper in the past, but @petrus.hyvonen did, so I think I might require help to do it. But feel free to open an issue on the GitLab, this would surely help a lot of people when implemented.

Thanks for the reply.
I am using jpype wrapper with oreczml and it works fine :wink:

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