[VOTE] Releasing Orekit 11.0 from release candidate 2

If it works, I will generate a new RC with the changes.

Also, using this patch, the tests still work on a Linux environment :slight_smile:

Confirmed, the patch is working and test case goes through now!

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Great! I will do the RC3 tomorrow including this fix.

I will also include the fixes performed by Luc in the documentation.

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This is looking great and pretty excited for the new release!

@bcazabonne apologies for bringing it up late (and missing the 11.0 survey), is there still window to fix #766 (Setting AttitudeProvider to the BoundedPropagator generated via propagation (#766) · Issues · Orekit / Orekit · GitLab). I have already commented the fix for the issue as suggested by @luc. Would be glad if this bug fix can be part of the release too. Thanks in advance!

Hi @gowtham

Yes, I will try to fix it with the suggestions on the comments.



Vote for Release Candidate 2 is closed.

A new vote for Release Candidate 3 is opened here: