Multiprocessing and Orekit python wrapper

Hi @ThomasJ,

Yes sorry I missed that line.

:worried: Sorry to read that. Seems like the problem is quite complex.
Is there a way to properly debug with starmap and see where the code stalls?
(I’m a bit out of idea…)


Hello again @MaximeJ,

I forgot to tell you that I am working on an Ubuntu 22.04.2 OS (Linux 5.15.0).

I tried on a different OS (Windows 10) and I have no problem. The code runs correctly !

Have you got any explanation for that ?
May be a guess from @petrus.hyvonen ? :grin:

Thanks for your time,

Hi there,

Are your two Python environments equivalent in terms of library versions (check with pip freeze for example)? If not try aligning the non working one on the other with a requirement file


Hello again,

Oh, this is “good” news, at least it shows it must be a configuration / OS issue and not an issue with Orekit data management.


Very hard to see where the problem could be. I have mostly used threads, but notice there you need to do an AttachCurrentThread() to get the JVM access. Not completely sure why you don’t seem to need that here (try!). See for example: Python wrapper and orekit.initVM()

Not sure if different java versions could have an influence, I typically use openjdk 8 which is what is installed with the default conda orekit.

Hi !

Thanks to all of you for replying to this topic !

Are your two Python environments equivalent in terms of library versions (check with pip freeze for example)? If not try aligning the non working one on the other with a requirement file

@Serrof Yes they are. I use python 3.10 and a pip freeze gives the following output in both cases:


Very hard to see where the problem could be. I have mostly used threads, but notice there you need to do an AttachCurrentThread() to get the JVM access. Not completely sure why you don’t seem to need that here (try!). See for example: Python wrapper and orekit.initVM()

Not sure if different java versions could have an influence, I typically use openjdk 8 which is what is installed with the default conda orekit.

@petrus.hyvonen I can’t pass the output of initVM() to the parallelized function because this object is not pickable. So I can’t use the function AttachCurrentThread(). I am not very familiar with multi threading and multiprocessing so I don’t know if there is a way to get over this problem.
I also use openjdk 8.

I will consider switching to multithreading instead of multiprocessing or write my whole code in Java.



You don’t need to transfer the initVM() value, this is handled by the library. use:

import orekit

not sure that it will help your issue though, but worth a try.

Hi @petrus.hyvonen ,

It does not solve the issue but thanks for your help !


Hi there,

I don’t know if this is what you want to do but I know @abulte used the library called rich to parallelize runs of Orekit in Python.


I’ve also been banging my head against multi CPU use over the last couple of days. What I’ve learned:

  • Multi Threading only benefits I/O bound tasks, like propagating many objects and writing the state to a file or database in each time step. Threads share the same memory space and you can “attach” the vm as mentioned above.

  • Multi Processing helps with cpu-bound tasks, but each process has an isolated memory space and requires that all data transferred in/out can be serialized (pickled). So you need to spool up a dedicated vm for each sub process.on init

@ThomasJ This worked for me:

import os

from multiprocessing import Pool, current_process
from pprint import pprint

def task(*args, **kwargs) -> str:
    process = current_process()
    print(f"Start: {} > {args}")

    from org.orekit.utils import IERSConventions
    from org.orekit.frames import FramesFactory

    fname = getattr(IERSConventions, args[0])
    frame = FramesFactory.getITRF(fname, True)

    print(f"Done: {} > {frame}")
    return "[ok]"

def pool_init():
    import orekit
    from orekit.pyhelpers import setup_orekit_curdir

    vm = orekit.initVM()
    fdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    setup_orekit_curdir(os.path.join(fdir, "data", ""))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    workers = 4
    work_init = pool_init  # starts orekit vm
    work_task = task  # task with reg in/out
    work_units = ["IERS_2010", "IERS_2003", "IERS_1996"]  # list of things to do

    with Pool(workers, initializer=pool_init) as pool:
        results =, work_units)


The result should give you:

Start: SpawnPoolWorker-2 > ('IERS_2010',)
Start: SpawnPoolWorker-4 > ('IERS_2003',)
Start: SpawnPoolWorker-1 > ('IERS_1996',)
Done: SpawnPoolWorker-2 > CIO/2010-based ITRF simple EOP
Done: SpawnPoolWorker-4 > CIO/2003-based ITRF simple EOP
Done: SpawnPoolWorker-1 > CIO/1996-based ITRF simple EOP
['[ok]', '[ok]', '[ok]']

Hello Sydra,

Thanks for your message.

Finally, I managed to solve my issue by using the library mpi4py, which is quite simple to use, instead of multiprocessing.


Thanks for your post here,I’ve been stuck on this problem for a while. I just successfully debugged this method using multiprocessing. What’s the difference in implementation with mpi4py? Is there any difference in efficiency between the two methods?

mpi4py looks super interesting - thank you for sharing! From what I can tell it does not require separate java vm for each process which should be a lot more efficient.

Hello !

Sorry for replying so late.

I am far from being an expert on the topic, but from my little experience, here is the main difference I see :

multiprocessing is a python library that allowes you to divide a task on several processors and that provides some tools for communication between the processes.

MPI allowes you to do the same thing but it is not specific to python. When you run your python script with MPI, you must specify the number of processes you want to use (mpiexec -n 4 python for instance). The script will be read by each process independently. mpi4py is a python library that allowes you to control MPI from your python script (communication) and to have a different behaviour depending on the process number (rank) using if rank == i: ... for instance.

I am glad to know that it is interesting to you!

From what I can tell it does not require separate java vm for each process which should be a lot more efficient.

Are you sure of that ? I think that you need to have separate java vm for each process. Can you provide more details on what makes you think that ?

The documentation for mpi4py is very good. You can check the tutorials that will help you understand how it works.

I’ve admittedly not have time to try this yet. For context, I’m using orekit as the engine of a space communications network simulation. As the number of spacecraft / locations goes up, it becomes computationally challenging.

Multi-threading didn’t help, and using multiprocess on an 8 core machine was actually slower than running single process due to the overhead of serializing the state data to pass it between processes.

I haven’t tried GPU yet (via CUDA) and MPI is still on my list too. I’ll report back when I had a chance to play with it …

Thanks for the relpy.
I’ve tested the multi process method in @Sydra’s post, it seems well for me.
I’ve also tested mpi4py, but something went wrong.Did you get this kind of problems?

I did not get this type of problem and I have no idea where it comes from !

Did you use jpype or jcc?

I used JCC

Hm not sure but JCC uses finalize() to clean up python reference pointers, this is being flagged for deprication for quite some time. It could be you are using a very recent java version and that this actually has been removed now.

Try a lower version (not neccessary older) of java. I am still runnning java 8 :slight_smile: