Ground Field of View Detector Usage

Hello @saltinisik,

Sorry for the delay in the answer.

Frames can be a bit more complicated to build than FieldOfView.

For a fixed frame you could base it on your topo frame and use a basic rotation object:

Frame myFovFrame = new Frame(topo, 
                             new Transform(AbsoluteDate.ARBITRARY_EPOCH, 
                                           new Rotation(Vector3D.PLUS_I, FastMath.PI / 2., RotationConvention.VECTOR_OPERATOR)),

Here this is a rotation of 45° around X topocentric axis (East vector), so your FoV should be looking South with 45° elevation.
Note that I’m not 100% sure of the RotationConvention I used here, I based my guess on the Javadoc of the Trasnform constructor I used.
Maybe this post will help you figure out the proper way to do it.

Now, Frames can be much more complicated (combine translation, move with time etc.) so maybe you want to set up something more advanced.

Is that what you were looking for ?
